PGCE Primary Pre-Course Welcome Pages

Some sections of the page have been updated, please do check back regularly for more updates.

Hear what our current students are saying

Congratulations on your successful application for the Primary PGCE course with the University of Roehampton for 2025 - 2026.


The primary-age teacher training programmes have been rated as "Outstanding" by Ofsted for overall effectiveness, quality of education and training, leadership and management. You can read more here

The information on this webpage is relevant for those who will be undertaking their Primary teacher training programme as part of our PGCE Core, Lead Partner and Apprenticeship routes. Please ensure you read the information below applicable for your route of study. Whichever route you are on, we look forward to meeting you at the beginning of September to start your training and do hope that you are able to attend the Taster Day event we will be holding on Thursday 3rd July (9-1pm) on campus, where you will be able to meet fellow student teachers, tutors and you will find out more about the programme and how to prepare. The booking link will be available soon. 

Things to do in preparation for the course

PGCE Core/Lead Partner/Apprenticeship routes

  • Conditions: ensure you have met, and completed, all the conditions of your offer including certificate checks, submission of the Declaration of Health form (DOH) and Suitability Declaration form (SDF) in advance of starting the course. Doing this will enable you to enrol in time for the start of the course so you will have access to all learning materials. You will also need to have your Enhanced DBS check completed to be in school.

DBS Guidance documents - PGCE Core and PGCE Lead Partner

  • Subject audits: ensure you have downloaded and completed the maths and science audits. 

English grammar audit

Maths audit

Science audit

  • Pre-course booklets: download the pre-course overview booklet for your route as this contains key information including the course calendar and guidance about how to prepare for September.

PGCE Core student teachers only

  • Observation week school: you are required to find a school to do a week of focussed observation in from Monday 15th to Friday 19th September. This forms part of your required number of days in school. Please use the letter below to send to schools and follow the guidance within. 

PGCE core students: Letters to schools

Course overview booklets and induction information

Please note: All students need to bring photographic ID (passport/driving license) to the induction in order to be able to collect your student ID card. Please also bring in any outstanding certificates that need to be shown to our admissions team. Lead Partner students should also bring their DBS certificate.

PGCE Primary Core

  • Induction date: Monday 1st September 2025 (please note this is the first day of your taught programme - see calendar in the pre-course booklet)
  • Time: 9 - 4.30pm 
  • Location: Portrait room, Grove House, Froebel College (TBC)

Download your PGCE core pre-course booklet (Coming soon)

PGCE Primary Lead Partner

  • Induction date: Thursday 4th September 2025 
    • (please note this is the first day of your taught programme - see the calendar in the pre-course booklet)
  • Time: 9 - 4.30pm
  • Location: Portrait room, Grove House, Froebel College (TBC)

Download your PGCE Lead Partner pre-course booklet (Coming soon)

PGCE Primary Apprenticeship

  • Induction date: Thursday 4th September (please note this is the first day of your taught programme - see the calendar in the pre-course booklet)
  • Time: 9 - 4.30pm
  • Location: Portrait room, Grove House, Froebel College

Download your PGCE Primary Apprenticeship pre-course booklet (Coming soon)

If you have any questions regarding PGCE Primary (Core/Lead Partner Route/Apprenticeship routes), please email: Steph Laird, PGCE Primary Convener.

Here is our campus map.