/ Short Courses /

Research Analysis

Start date:

January 2025

Cost / delivery:

Part of Pre-sessional: International Masters Preparation short course

9 weeks, on-campus

(3 hours a week)

Designed to prepare you for rigorous research at the Masters level.

Research Analysis is part of the Pre-sessional International Masters Preparation programme. In this dynamic course, you'll gain essential research skills and insights vital for advanced-level practice and academic study. 

Our curriculum goes beyond theory to practical application, offering hands-on experience in critiquing and analysing key data and texts. You'll sharpen your reading comprehension skills and gain a background knowledge of research methods (such as qualitative and quantitative research). You will read current debate and thinking around your interests and improve your ability to question research findings.

The short course will provide you with confidence in your ability to engage with scholarly literature, navigate research methodologies, and contribute meaningfully to the academic discourse at post-graduate level at the University of Roehampton.


Did you know

This programme has been specifically designed for those who possess the drive and curiosity to excel at Masters study and are new to study in the UK. Led by the School of Continuing Education, the programme is taught by experienced postgraduate academics, specialising in international education. 

Intended audience

Participants come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

The programme helps you to accelerate your readiness for your upcoming Masters study through helping you to practice your English skills, remind yourself of academic research, experience UK higher educational learning and integrate successfully into London and the University prior to your studies. It is open to any international Masters applicant (holding an Unconditional Offer).

We understand that everyone’s academic journey is unique and you may want a little extra support to help you thrive. Our programme ensures that you feel ready for the demands of postgraduate study and helps you to feel at home in the University of Roehampton and London more broadly. 


You will emerge from the short course equipped to source research materials effectively, recognise and evaluate research methods, critique contemporary research findings and be confident to undertake primary research sensitively. These skills will lay a solid foundation for your Masters journey, enabling you to source, navigate and enjoy academic research and data.

Short Course Weekly Schedule
Week 1    Finding Academic Sources  
Week 2    Search and Gathering: Finding your interests 
Week 3    Evaluating Sources & Publishers 
Week 4    Reading Around A Subject 
Week 5    Contextual Review 
Week 6    Literature Reviews 
Week 7    Primary and Secondary Research  
Week 8    Methods and Methodologies  
Week 9    Set research gathering exercises 

Suggested Reading (where available)

For example:

Bell, J. 2002. Learning from Research: Getting more from your data. Buckingham: OU Press 

Creswell, J. W. 2014. Research Design, Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches. Sage Publications, London 

Potter, S., 2013. Doing Postgraduate Research. London: Sage Publications 

Poynter, R. 2010. The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research. Tools and techniques for market researchers. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. 

Quinton, S., Smallbone, T. 2006. Postgraduate Research in Business. London: Sage Publications


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