/ Short Courses /

Pre-sessional: International Masters Preparation

Start date:

May 2025

Cost / delivery:

£3,000 / 9 weeks, on-campus

(9-12 hours/ week (dependent on English Language In-Sessional support needs)

The Pre-Sessional: International Masters Preparation programme is designed to help you flourish and excel upon entry to your Masters course. 

Over 9 weeks, you will embed yourself into London, understanding the city and what it has to offer, rehearse research skills ready for your Masters, practice academic skills deployed in UK higher education and found any additional English Language support you might want to be active, vocal and articulate in your classes and future assessments. 

Each day you will explore a new subject:

•    London as a global city which offers a unique experience of social and cultural diversity, in history, culture and commerce
•    Curricula that goes beyond theory to practice, hands-on experience in critiquing, collecting and analysing key data and texts
•    Subject taxonomy and language comprehension to cultivate your independent study skills 
•    Interactive and supportive academic learning fostering your critical debate, peer collaboration and constructive thinking
•    In-sessional English Language support (if needed) to help you to develop your English Language skills 


Did you know

This programme will provide you with confidence in your ability to engage with scholarly literature, navigate research methodologies, and contribute meaningfully to the academic discourse at post-graduate level at the University of Roehampton.

Intended audience

Participants come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. 

The International Masters Preparation pre-sessional programme helps you to accelerate your readiness for your upcoming Masters study through helping you to practice your English skills, remind yourself of academic research, experience UK higher educational learning and integrate successfully into London and the University prior to your studies. It is open to any international Masters applicant (holding an Unconditional Offer). 

We understand that everyone’s academic journey is unique and you may want a little extra support to help you thrive. Our programme ensures that you feel ready for the demands of postgraduate study and helps you to feel at home in the University of Roehampton and London more broadly.

This programme has been specifically designed for those who possess the drive and curiosity to excel at Masters study and are new to study in the UK. Led by the School of Continuing Education, the programme is taught by experienced postgraduate academics, specialising in international education.


By the end of the programme, you will have experienced UK University seminars, tutorials, lectures, workshops and site visits in:
•    Introduction to London
•    Introduction to Arts, Culture and Commerce in London
•    Introduction to History, Culture and Context
•    Written, verbal, comprehension and communication Academic English for Masters Study
•    Complex phrasing and vocabulary to debate within seminars and site visits
•    Subject-specific vocabulary
•    Academic English proficiency and confidence necessary for Masters study
•    Subject literature, contemporary industry writing and research articles within your field of study.
•    Academic citation, referencing and bibliographic skills

Across nine weeks, you will engage in structured learning that encompasses a diverse range of set exercises, workshop topics, site visits and seminar activities. 

As required, additional in-sessional English Language support is available to develop your existing skills in:
•    Writing: Developing your writing process strategies to produce coherent texts
•    Reading: Demonstrating a thorough reading comprehension using a variety of reading subskills and the ability to think critically when responding to a variety of texts.
•    Speaking: Expressing ideas and thoughts effectively and improving presentation skills.
•    Listening: Having a greater understanding of vocabulary and to be able to actively following listening input and take notes.

Accommodation during on-campus pre-sessional

You will be able to stay in our on-campus accommodation whilst you are studying our on-campus pre-sessional programme. For detailed information of our accommodation offering please visit our accommodation page. If you need to apply for our accommodation to cover the duration of your Pre-sessional study, please email directly to our accommodations office accommodation@roehampton.ac.uk.

Academic English for Masters

Designed to enhance your existing english proficiency and confidence through immersion within Higher Education study at the University of Roehampton.
The focus of this short course extends beyond theory to practical application, offering hands-on experience in English for professional settings. From honing presentation and comprehension skills to mastering effective professional communication, writing techniques, and plagiarism prevention, the course will cement your confidence and command of academic english. 

Intended audience

The programme helps you to accelerate your readiness for your upcoming Masters study through helping you to practice your English skills, remind yourself of academic research, experience UK higher educational learning and integrate successfully into London and the University prior to your studies. It is open to any international Masters applicant (holding an Unconditional Offer).

We understand that everyone’s academic journey is unique and you may want a little extra support to help you thrive. Our programme ensures that you feel ready for the demands of postgraduate study and helps you to feel at home in the University of Roehampton and London more broadly. 

This programme has been specifically designed for those who possess the drive and curiosity to excel at Masters study and are new to study in the UK. Led by the School of Continuing Education, the programme is taught by experienced postgraduate academics, specialising in international education. 


Research Analysis

Designed to prepare you for rigorous research at the Masters level.
Research Analysis is part of the Pre-sessional International Masters Preparation programme. In this dynamic course, you'll gain essential research skills and insights vital for advanced-level practice and academic study. 

Our curriculum goes beyond theory to practical application, offering hands-on experience in critiquing and analysing key data and texts. You'll sharpen your reading comprehension skills and gain a background knowledge of research methods (such as qualitative and quantitative research). You will read current debate and thinking around your interests and improve your ability to question research findings.

The short course will provide you with confidence in your ability to engage with scholarly literature, navigate research methodologies, and contribute meaningfully to the academic discourse at post-graduate level at the University of Roehampton.

Intended audience

The programme helps you to accelerate your readiness for your upcoming Masters study through helping you to practice your English skills, remind yourself of academic research, experience UK higher educational learning and integrate successfully into London and the University prior to your studies. It is open to any international Masters applicant (holding an Unconditional Offer).

We understand that everyone’s academic journey is unique and you may want a little extra support to help you thrive. Our programme ensures that you feel ready for the demands of postgraduate study and helps you to feel at home in the University of Roehampton and London more broadly. 

English Language 

This in-sessional English Language course will help you to support and develop your English Language skills alongside other study and/or work.

What is included?
•    Upto 3 hours' tuition per week from highly-qualified tutors in English Language
•    Individual tutorials to work on your specific needs in writing and/or speaking
•    Workshops in small groups 
•    All reading and materials for your classes

Intended audience

This short course is open to international students and/or english as second language speakers who would benefit from additional English Language skills, workshops and practice. 

You will learn:
•    Writing: Developing your writing process strategies to produce coherent texts
•    Reading: Demonstrating a thorough reading comprehension using a variety of reading subskills and the ability to think critically when responding to a variety of texts.
•    Speaking: Expressing ideas and thoughts effectively and improving presentation skills.
•    Listening: Having a greater understanding of vocabulary and to be able to actively following listening input and take notes.

London as a Global City: History, Culture & Context 

This short course enables you to develop a deeper understanding of London, its monuments, cultural institutions and city regions.  
London is undoubtedly one of the global cities that offer a unique experience of social and cultural diversity. Through exploration of both historical artefacts - architecture, sculpture, painting and archaeology, alongside contemporary fashion, business, creative and entrepreneurial regions, you will develop a meaningful awareness of the particular character and challenges of London through these visual, material and societal sources. The course will include visits to London's museums, commerce and lifestyle sites alongside less well-known sites, off the 'tourist trail'.

This course will combine contemporary theories and debates on the condition of urban life in a global city with hands-on ethnographic, street-level experiential research. You will be 'immersed' in various aspects of London life, see things with your own eyes, analyse and critically evaluate your own cultural understanding and socio-economical assumptions against the backdrop of chaos and order, commerce and creativity within urban life in London. 

Intended audience

This programme has been specifically designed for those who possess the drive and curiosity to excel at Masters study and are new to study in the UK. Led by the School of Continuing Education, the programme is taught by experienced postgraduate academics, specialising in international education. 

London as a Global City is part of the International Masters Preparation pre-sessional programme.

The programme helps you to accelerate your readiness for your upcoming Masters study through helping you to practice your English skills, remind yourself of academic research, experience UK higher educational learning and integrate successfully into London and the University prior to your studies. It is open to any international Masters applicant (holding an Unconditional Offer). 

We understand that everyone’s academic journey is unique and you may want a little extra support to help you thrive. Our programme ensures that you feel ready for the demands of postgraduate study and helps you to feel at home in the University of Roehampton and London more broadly.