There are many ways that Southlands students and staff can get involved with the life of the college.

College Officers
A team with responsibilities for looking after a range of areas of college life, including student activities and events.
Our College President and Deputy President positions are elected by students, and the Roehampton Student Union will be running elections in Spring 2024 for the academic year 2024-2025, both of these roles are a great opportunity to support your fellow students and improve your leadership skills.
College officers must live on campus and they receive a generous stipend/discount on accommodation.
If you are interested in running for one of these positions, email

College Community Leaders
College Community Leaders (CCL) are peer student leaders in the college who are here to help foster the Southlands Spirit: that wonderful sense of belonging that makes being part of the college special!
You’ll see the CCL team facilitating events and activities of all kinds to enhance your university experience, as they work with our partners across the university. Your ideas are always welcome and they’re happy to chat with you about how we can improve the student experience.
The CCL team is made up of individuals who represent home and international students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, whether resident in college or commuting from home.
They’re a friendly bunch, and are here to support you, so please do have a chat with them.
Email or visit the college community hub at QB010 to contact the team or to find out how to become a CCL.

Becoming a Residential Community Leader
Residential Community Leaders (RCL)are usually second or third year students who live with our new residents to help provide a friendly and supportive welcome at the start of term and to offer advice and guidance throughout the year.
If you are living on-campus and have any questions about how to seek help, advice or support at the university, start with your RCL. They will often be able to provide you with some initial advice and let you know which members of staff can help you further.
RCLs aren’t appointed to police our residences but we do ask them to take a leadership role in building a happy and friendly residential environment.
They receive training throughout the year as part of the Student Leadership Certificate which provides them with the resources and skills to make your experience of university life a happy and positive one. Residents of our college flats should feel welcome to talk to their RCL about the community environment and should expect a positive, helpful and supportive response.
Being an RCL provides lots of opportunities to become a leader in the Southlands community, to develop your skills, knowledge and experience. RCLs receive formal training and professional development, all of which is fantastic for building up an impressive CV.
If you think you have what it takes to become an RCL in next academic year (2024 – 2025), you are welcome to apply.
Applications are open to all students, whether or not you currently live at Southlands. The application process begins in early 2024, and details will be posted on the college social media platforms and the Nest.
If you have any questions about being an RCL please email

Student Leadership Certificate
All student leaders at Southlands College are automatically enrolled onto the Student Leadership Certificate.
It is a university short course, which provides monthly training and comprehensive evaluation that allows CCLs and RCLs to develop, grow and consider how their skills and values might influence their future career and life.