The Centre for Inclusive Humanities (CIH) offers a structure through which to facilitate interdisciplinary research within and beyond the humanities and it involves a variety of approaches – theoretical and practical – to bear on its five related pathways: Faith and Society, Nature and the Environment, Health and Well-Being, Inclusion, Creative Societies.
CIH has a track record for world-leading research in these areas and its work is supported by a diverse range of funding streams. Recent themes include espionage and the cold war, diverse Victorians, connecting with nature, Methodist-Catholic social action, perspectives on children’s literature, and animal baiting in Early Modern England.

We are an outward facing community and the Centre provides a platform for members to engage a range of external stakeholders and partners in co-designed and/or collaborative RKE activities. The work we have done in this context is both local and national.
Partner organisations include local and national faith communities, environmental action groups (Operation Noah), and various bodies within the cultural, educational, and heritage sectors (Wandsworth Council, Cassell Hospital, Spaldings Gentlemen’s Society, Marlow Studios, The National Archives). We are keen to develop existing partnerships and to explore the possibility of new opportunities.
We have a thriving research student community and train and develop PGRs for a variety of academic and non-academic career paths. We encourage applications from all those who seek to work in the relevant areas.