The documents on this page should be read in conjunction with the University's Articles of Association and the University Regulations, which can be found on our Governance Pages. Queries about particular documents can be addressed to the University Secretary;
Student Contract
A legally binding agreement between the University and its students.
- Student Contract 2024/25
- Student Contract 2023/24
- Student Contract 2022/23
- Student Contract 2021/22
- Student Contract 2020/21
Student-Specific Regulations, Policies and Procedures
The following regulations, policies and procedures relate specifically to the relationship between the University and its students. Please also see the Quality and Standards Pages for other academic regulations, policies and procedures relating to student assessment.
- Academic Regulations
- Admissions Policy - for Undergraduates and Postgraduates on Taught Degree programmes
- Attendance and Engagement Policy - outlining how attendance and engagement is recorded and sets out expectations for students. It also details the interventions we apply if overall academic engagement, including attendance, is deemed unsatisfactory, and the subsequent outcomes.
- Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech
- Death of a Student Procedure - setting out the procedure to be followed in the event of a student's death
- Dignity and Respect Policy - replaces the Harassment Complaints Procedure - for use by students in all cases of harassment and bullying
- Fitness to Practise Policy - dealing with students' fitness to practise when their behaviour and/or professional conduct is a cause for concern or if there is a persistent concern about their suitability to continue on a programme
- Fitness to Study Policy - dealing with students' fitness to study, which may be brought into question for many reasons and in a wide range of circumstances
- Mitigating Circumstances Policy
- Raising Concerns Procedure - for Nursing, Psychology and students. The procedure also applies to programmes in the School of Education that lead to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)
- Recognition of Prior Learning Policy - setting out the different forms of, and the process for accrediting, prior learning that the University accepts
- Recorded Teaching Policy - covering access to recordings made by University staff to support learning and teaching
- Safeguarding Policy and Procedure - for ensuring a safe environment for children and vulnerable adults (this replaces the previous U18s Policy)
- Sensitive Issues - joint University and RSU Guidelines on dealing with sensitive issues
- Student Alcohol and Drugs Policy - setting out how the University will meet its responsibilities towards students with respect to the misuse of controlled drugs and alcohol
- Student Code of Conduct - covering student behaviour on and off campus, and use of the internet, email and other IT provision
- Student Complaints Policy and Procedure - covering procedure for dealing with issues of serious student dissatisfaction
- Student Disciplinary Regulations - covering academic and non-academic offences and the procedure for dealing with them
- Student Fee Payment and Enrolment Regulations 2023/24
- Student Mental Health Policy - providing a coherent institutional framework for responding to students with mental health difficulties
- Student Pregnancy and New Parenthood Policy - procedures to help students continue their studies during and after pregnancy
- Student Protection Plan - outlining measures in addition to the protections that students have under consumer protection law
- Student Sexual Violence Policy - outlining the University's approach for managing student disclosures of sexual violence including the support available
- Students' Union Code of Practice - setting out how the University meets its obligations under the Education Act 1994 in relation to the organisation and activities of the Students' Union
Access and participation plan
- 2025/26 to 2028/29 Access and Participation plan
- 2020/21 to 2024/25 Access and Participation plan
- 2019/20 Access and Participation plan
- 2019/20 Access and Participation plan impact report
In line with the University access and participation plan the published tuition fees for 2023/24 are as follows:
Other University Policies and Procedures
The following policies and procedures apply to all members of the University community, including staff and students. Policies and procedures relating specifically to staff can be found on the HR pages of the Staff Portal.
- Admissions Referral Board process
- Animals on campus
- Anti-Corruption & Bribery Policy
- Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
- Apprenticeships
- Apprentice Complaints Policy and Procedure
- Employer Complaints Policy and Procedure
- Archive Collection Policy
- Asbestos Policy
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Consultancy Policy
- Counter-Fraud Policy
- Cyber Security
- Data Protection Guidance for Researchers
- Dignity and Respect Policy
- Disability Policy
- Document Control Policy - Microsoft Word copies of the templates and appendices referred to in this Policy can be accessed here
- Energy Policy
- Environmental Sustainability Policy
- Equality and Diversity Policy
- Fair Trade Policy
- Fire Safety Policy
- Freedom of Information Policy
- Gift Acceptance Policy
- Health, Safety & Welbeing Policy
- Intellectual Property Policy
- Investment Policy
- IT Policy and Guidance
- IT - other policies and conditions of use
- Legionella Policy
- Library Services Collection Development Policy
- Lone and Remote Working Policy
- Mobile Working Guidance
- Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
- Open Access Framework
- Personal Relationships at Work Policy
- Public Interest Disclosure Policy
- Records Management Policy
- Reportable and Material Adverse Events Policy & Procedure
- Risk Management Policy
- Service User and Carer Strategy
- Smoke-free Policy
- Solutions Management Process
- Student Protection Plan
- Sustainable Procurement Policy
- Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Goods and Services
- Transgender, Non-Binary and Intersex Equality Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy