Project team and supervisory staff

University of Roehampton

Professor Anne Robertson is an Environmental Scientist with research interests in Freshwater Biodiversity- and in particular the biodiversity of groundwaters and the impact on freshwater ecosystems of disturbances such as climate change and emerging contaminants. She is increasingly interested in developing interdisciplinary approaches to address complex problems such as declining water quality and quantity and habitat loss.

Professor Jérémie Gilbert researches international human rights law, and more particularly the interaction between international human rights, the protection of the environment and the emerging rights of nature. He is an advocate and supporter of the rights of Indigenous peoples, having developed legal expertise on the Indigenous peoples' rights to land and natural resources. 

Professor Fiona Ellis' research interests are in philosophy of religion (broadly construed), nature, naturalism and the environment, philosophy and theology of nature, the relation between philosophy and theology, and the meaning of life. 

Professor Garry Marvin is an anthropologist. The main focus of his research is that of human-animal relationships and he has written on bullfighting, cockfighting, zoos, human-wolf relationships, and recreational hunting. At present his research is focused on human-wildlife conflicts and coexistences and human-animal-environment issues.

Professor Lewis Halsey's research centres on the metabolic rate of organisms, seeking to quantify their energy expenditure and how it changes under different scenarios described by their environment (e.g. temperature), behaviour (e.g. active versus resting) or physiology (e.g. healthy v. immune compromised).

Professor Mick Cooper is a counselling psychologist with an interest in the interface between psychological and social/environmental change. He is author of 'Psychology at the Heart of Social Change: Developing a Progressive Vision for Society' (Bristol University, 2023). Mick is experienced in both qualitative and quantitative research methods and has published primarily in the areas of counselling for young people, humanistic therapies, and the development of more personalised and collaborative therapeutic practices.

Dr Julia Reiss is a freshwater biologist with a particular interest in the taxonomy and ecology of aquatic fauna. Her research combines ecological theory and environmental topics (for instance nutrient and chemical pollution of fresh waters) and focuses on vulnerable taxonomic groups such as organisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Dr Daniel Perkins is an ecologist with a particular focus on understanding the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems. An ecosystem is more than the sum of its parts and by studying interactions between species (e.g. food webs) and their environment (e.g. temperature, habitat complexity etc.) key information can be gained about the pathways of energy flow that bring about real change in natural systems.

Dr Neil W. Williams is an interdisciplinary philosopher, specializing in environmental philosophy, moral and political philosophy, and the history of philosophy. The different strands of his research are connected by an interest in how the affective aspects of our experience shape our beliefs and practices. His recent research projects have been interdisciplinary investigations into the rights of nature, focusing on how this movement might empower local communities and challenge our exploitative relationship with the non-human natural world.

Dr Angie Pepper is a moral and political philosopher with expertise in contemporary political philosophy, applied ethics, normative ethics, and analytic feminist philosophy. Her recent research focuses on what we owe to other animals.


Cranfield University

Dr Robert Grabowski is an environmental scientist specialized in the interdisciplinary study of rivers. He applies a whole system perspective to tackle fundamental scientific and applied challenges at the interface of geomorphology, ecology, and integrated land-water management. His PhD researchers use a range of methods (field work, laboratory experiments, analysis of remote sensing data, and modelling) to develop a process-based understanding of river-floodplain systems.

Professor Ian Holman is an environmental scientist whose research is focussed on understanding and modelling how changes in current and future land use and land management at catchment to national scales affect natural capital and ecosystem services, including water and climate regulation, water purification and food production.  

Dr Andrea Momblanch is a water and environmental engineer specialised on catchment-scale water resources systems analysis. Her research focuses on the development of novel water management approaches, aided by modelling, to understand the trade-off between human and environmental water uses, and to discover new ways to reconcile and balance competing demands.

Dr Alison Parker is a hydrogeologist engaged in research and teaching in water and sanitation in low-income countries, including circular economy, managed aquifer recharge, gender, menstrual management and container-based sanitation.

Dr Pablo Campo Moreno is an environmental chemist studying the fate and occurrence of pollutants during water and wastewater treatments as well as bioremediation processes. Concurrent with these topics is his interest in implementing analytical methods to detect target contaminants and their transformation products.

Professor Bruce Jefferson is a chemical engineer conducting research on how the underlying process pathways can be better managed to deliver a paradigm shift in how we apply technology for sewage treatment and drinking water production to safeguard aquatic ecosystems and human health.

Dr May Sule is an environmental engineer specialising in the interactions between water, sanitation, hygiene and health systems. Her research focuses on the technical and non-technical (socio-economic) aspects of achieving water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) success in line with the global sustainable development goals agenda.

Dr Heather Smith is a social scientist researching the governance, institutions and societal dimensions of the water and wastewater services sector. She is particularly interested in the relationship between governance and resilience, using an interdisciplinary perspective,

Dr Alesia Ofori is a social scientist with interest in how political, economic, and socio-cultural processes occurring within and across local and global levels impact sustainable resource use, development and governance.  Her work is interdisciplinary, drawing on political economy, critical feminist and political ecology scholarship, and anthropological methodologies such as ethnography. 

Dr Anil Graves is a social scientist who applies biophysical, social, economic, agronomic and ecological methods to assess and value of benefits and trade-offs in land use systems, arising through land use change, and under different future scenarios.

Dr Simon Jude is a transdisciplinary scientist that develops and evaluates new techniques, tools, and technologies to support improved decision-making. He is particularly interested in climate risk and adaptation, sensor technology for data collection, and marine environmental risks.